bad day in the rain.
Started good though. My yogi friend S came over for some banana cake, tea and chat in the morning. But when I was supposed to ride my bike 7lkm to work in pouring rain with the wind against me, my bike broke down and not a single soul who was driving past me stopped to help me!!! What's wrong with people here?
When something like that happened in Australia I didn't even need to look up for someone to help me. There was Always somebody coming and helping. And that's how it's supposed to be. Come one Sweden (or maybe it's just Halmstad?). Show some solicitude. Do you know we're all from the same planet and we should all help eachother and not only our Close friends and family...
Any way... On my way back home I realized that my wheel was flat. And more wind and rain, of cause...
I was so over it all after the bad bike rides and didn't have any mental of fysycal energy so I ended up sleeping for 9.5h last night!
just another day.
all you need.
sunday - ishta - yoga .
But there's no excuses for not doing yoga.
I did an hour of dynamic Ishta yoga where I develop heat. Build the energy, strength and flexibility in the body. And finished with a smooth and relaxing meditation.
thanking the cold breeze for the night sleep.
Only a few days ago I struggle with getting the right temperature in the bedroom for a good night sleep. And now I got the cool morning breeze reaching in under the open window and down to my bed. Much easier to have a deep and good sleep witch I really needed.
I'm not saying I like the cold. It's just such a big change for me from have been living in the heat for so long and not having much cold since 2012.
But changes are good. They make you realize and you learn. Even from the smallest things you can learn about big things.
Body Balance & yoga done. Now it's time to try something new. I'm going to try to make my own healthy yogi tea if I've got what I need in the kitchen.
The Hardest Part Of Traveling No One Talks About.
We talk about the hard parts while we’re away – finding jobs, making real friends, staying safe, learning social norms, misreading people you think you can trust – but these are all parts you get through. All of these lows are erased by the complete highs you experience. The goodbyes are difficult but you know they are coming, especially when you take the final step of purchasing your plane ticket home. All of these sad goodbyes are bolstered by the reunion with your family and friends you have pictured in your head since leaving in the first place.
Then you return home, have your reunions, spend your first two weeks meeting with family and friends, catch up, tell stories, reminisce, etc. You’re Hollywood for the first few weeks back and it’s all new and exciting. And then it all just…goes away. Everyone gets used to you being home, you’re not the new shiny object anymore and the questions start coming: So do you have a job yet? What’s your plan? Are you dating anyone? How does your 401k look for retirement? (Ok, a little dramatic on my part.)
But the sad part is once you’ve done your obligatory visits for being away for a year; you’re sitting in your childhood bedroom and realize nothing has changed. You’re glad everyone is happy and healthy and yes, people have gotten new jobs, boyfriends, engagements, etc., but part of you is screaming don’t you understand how much I have changed? And I don’t mean hair, weight, dress or anything else that has to do with appearance. I mean what’s going on inside of your head. The way your dreams have changed, they way you perceive people differently, the habits you’re happy you lost, the new things that are important to you. You want everyone to recognize this and you want to share and discuss it, but there’s no way to describe the way your spirit evolves when you leave everything you know behind and force yourself to use your brain in a real capacity, not on a written test in school. You know you’re thinking differently because you experience it every second of every day inside your head, but how do you communicate that to others?
You feel angry. You feel lost. You have moments where you feel like it wasn’t worth it because nothing has changed but then you feel like it’s the only thing you’ve done that is important because it changed everything. What is the solution to this side of traveling? It’s like learning a foreign language that no one around you speaks so there is no way to communicate to them how you really feel.
This is why once you’ve traveled for the first time all you want to do is leave again. They call it the travel bug, but really it’s the effort to return to a place where you are surrounded by people who speak the same language as you. Not English or Spanish or Mandarin or Portuguese, but that language where others know what it’s like to leave, change, grow, experience, learn, then go home again and feel more lost in your hometown then you did in the most foreign place you visited.
This is the hardest part about traveling, and it’s the very reason why we all run away again.much stuff up & around.
After that I got to know that I messed up something with work and the hours. It's a bit crazy in my mind at the moment with all the new jobs and being on it at six different places and schedules... But it will soon be less and the same hours instead of different every week.
Much stuff waiting tomorrow...!
C o f f e e T i m e .
coffee & boys.
Good coffee and alot of good looking boys? Nah, that's what I thought! Or well, th sun is shining so that's pretty good. But even if it was raining coffee and lovely people will always make any day a good day.
my new job at A c t i c H e a l t h C l u b .
I got the honor, after three interviews and a meeting, to get a job att Actic Health Club in Halmstad!
They have 3 locations and I will be working in all of them, but mainly in the biggest i the city. They got the biggest workout area, most fitness group classes in Halland and swimming pool. There's also over 100 Actic health clubs in Sweden and they work with 3-4 other countries.
In the beginning I start in the reception, they will later on send me away to another place to educate and train me for some new classes and I will also start teaching yoga! WOOHOO! You'll find me working in the gym & weight area too.
So exited for this new adventure and it is starting today!
inspiring women - H E A L T H .
I will teach but I will also learn even more from it. Can't wait to start my new adventure in this branch...!!!!
about F r e d a g s M y s - summer event by FikaPojkarna.
d r e a m h o m e / big things coming up / s u m m e r n i g h t.
Any way, one of my (so far) most important meeting is coming up now. Like RIGHT NOW actually. This can change a big part of my life. Maybe, We'll see how it goes. It's meeting nr 3 with the same company so I'm getting quite nervous now.
After that it's time for some summer night love. Live music, BBQ, beautiful friends and much more on the beach, at Söderpiren. "Fredagsmys" a exciting night to celebrate the summer.
working out is my d r u g .
T h e C o f f e e D r e a m .
my inspo icon / UPDATE.
I ' m I n P o l a n d .
I'm so exited ant it's going to be a good time here.
H o m e A g a i n .
Many times. I've been told. All this talk. Will make you old. So, I'll close my eyes. Won't look behind. Movin' on. Movin' on. So I'll close my eyes. Look behind. Movin' on...
the day after my birthday 7 midsummer festival - 1 year of non drinking.
Me and some friends went to the Rosenberg Festival and stayed there until today. Longest and coldest night for a long time and sleeping with two others in a small car was a experience. But there was good music, fun people and a beautiful festival area with e perfect evening sun.
Now I'm way to tired to do anything except from drinking tea, listening to chill music and watching a movie in my cozy PJs.
Oh, and by the way. I didn't have any birthday drinks at all! It's been over a year of non drinking and I don't even feel like it on my birthday at a festival!
I'm actually a little bit surprised.