my new job at A c t i c H e a l t h C l u b .

- Okay ladies and gentlemen. I'm about to tell you guys about my new job.

I got the honor, after three interviews and a meeting, to get a job att Actic Health Club in Halmstad!
They have 3 locations and I will be working in all of them, but mainly in the biggest i the city. They got the biggest workout area, most fitness group classes in Halland and swimming pool. There's also over 100 Actic health clubs in Sweden and they work with 3-4 other countries.

In the beginning I start in the reception, they will later on send me away to another place to educate and train me for some new classes and I will also start teaching yoga! WOOHOO! You'll find me working in the gym & weight area too.
So exited for this new adventure and it is starting today!


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