thanking the cold breeze for the night sleep.

- It looks like the summer is over in Sweden. I work up at 6am and it was all cold and raining constantly. The first sign from the cold was that I work up with the blanket over me and not under me.
Only a few days ago I struggle with getting the right temperature in the bedroom for a good night sleep. And now I got the cool morning breeze reaching in under the open window and down to my bed. Much easier to have a deep and good sleep witch I really needed.

I'm not saying I like the cold. It's just such a big change for me from have been living in the heat for so long and not having much cold since 2012.
But changes are good. They make you realize and you learn. Even from the smallest things you can learn about big things.

Body Balance & yoga done. Now it's time to try something new. I'm going to try to make my own healthy yogi tea if I've got what I need in the kitchen.


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