- Just sharing some photos from my old job at Virgin Active Helath Club and heaps of good and healthy food from my everyday life in Melbourne.
Missing having a proper kitchen...

health, work, training & other memories x MELBOURNE, AU.

- It's crazy how much I miss going to the gym, working with healthy food and protein.
Even my kick boxing injury I had a year ago, haha. Well, I felt more alive than ever compare to my injury I have today that is making me stop from doing anything with my right arm...
Tonight it's time for a little run again. And tomorrow before lunch, me and a class mate will jump in to our Nikes and run to my lunch place and back with take away. Already looking forward to it!

life in a yoga teacher school x CANGGU, BALI, INDO.

1# Massage lesson at school. 2# Amazing breakfast at CRATE. 3# Another great breakfast place in Canggu. 4# Postures lesson with Peter. Go Paula! 5# Camila is getting her first tattoo, for 10 dollars!! 6# Some of my scratches a week after the robbery. 7# Asana yoga class for 1.5h at 06:00am on the beach.
- Kickin' up some phone photos (only camera I have at the moment) from my life here in CAnggu as a yoga teacher student.
Having breakfast, listening to old school music and enjoying a hot coffee before school starts.

MELBOURNE MEMORIES x study update.

1# opening night for my friends new rum bar "Los Barbudos". 2# Lamp. 3# Art. 4# Art. 5-6# Restaurant lunch with friends. 7-8# Demostration. 9# Outdoor art in Abbotsford. 10# Rebels. 11# Some friends dancing on Swanston St. 12# Louie enjoying cinnamon buns at IKEA.
- Had a sweaty cuban salsa night with friends last night and today I'll spend all day studying ad CRATE CAFE and trying to finnish my huge assignment with help from some good breakfast & coffee.


1. Inspo. 2. Sunday shopping. 3. Hippie finger. 4. Jack a the tram. 5. Art. 6. Me cooking. 7. Gift from work. 8. Art. 9. Spring in Abbotsford. 10. Art. 11. Art. 12. Sunday smoothie. 13-14. Pimping my lamp. 15. Me cooking. 16. Art. 17. Sunday smoothie. 18. Flower power.
- BAAAM, even more memories from Melbourne, and it's not over.
Only the beginning!

MELBOURNE MEMORIES x june/july 2013.

1. Jack at work. 2. 1000£ Bend. 3. Lentil as Anything. 4. Me working @ The Rum Diary. 5. Staff food at work. 6. Chai tea. 7. Free coffee in Fitzroy. 8. Shopping at IKEA. 9. Obama in real life. 10. My shoes. 11. x 12. Me cooking. 13. Live music at Lentil. 14. Me cooking. 15. Me cooking. 16. Protein shake after workout. 17. Cooking with Sarah. 18. My fingers... 19. Babyshambles cancelled! 20. Food as NAKED FOR SATAN.

- Organizing with my photos on my phone and thought that I would share some pictures from last year in Melbourne. Miss living there so much...


- Photos from when some couchsurfers from Canada and Mexico made pancakes for breakfast, Cebu City, me excited to do my lovely friend Marcies first yoga class for her Yoga Teacher Training exam. And two scary things I saw on the public bus station in Cebu city, prisoners who escaped during the typhoon.

not a toy x KOH LANTA, THAILAND.

- Found this cool café in one of the small streets of Koh Lanta City. Met a swedish middle-age guy, really nice who fell in love with the café in the same second as me and we had some cake and coffee while sharing life stories.

street food x KOH LANTA, THAILAND.

- The most typical street food you can find in Thailand looks kind of like this.

hanoi social club & my love for coffee x HANOI, VIETNAM.

- As some of you know, I'm a coffee freak. So I got this thing going on while I'm traveling. For every city/town I go to, I try to find the best coffee. And I also try to visit coffee plantations while traveling.
So now I just need to share an experience from Vietnam with you guys.
After been working as a barista in the worlds coffee capital (Melbourne, AU) and even got myself some coffee beans tattooed on my arm, all I want now is good coffee.
With the help from the app Beanhunter, made by, obviously, a guy from Melbourne, you can find the best coffee shops around the world. But this app is pretty new so it's slowly building it's way up.
Anyway, with that app i found the number one café in Hanoi, Hanoi Social Club which ALSO is owned by a guy from Melbourne, haha... And damn, what was a good place, and good coffee. The food was amazing, the style and atmosphare of the 3/4 level cafe was also in my favourite Melbourne-artsy style.
I tried the traditional coffe from Hanoi, Cà phê trứng, (egg coffee). And.... I LOVED IT! Too bad you ONLY can find it in Hanoi. Belive me, everywere I've been in Vietnam they all said that they just do that kind of coffee there.
Curious about how to make it or just wanna know more about it? Klick HERE then.

little big sugar salt x MELBOURNE MEMORIES.

- Just a few photos from my amazing brunch with ex manager Ren from Ferdy, Melbourne.
You'll find this perfect breaky place on Victoria St, Little Big Sugar Salt.

lasts w. friends & family x MELBOURNE MEMORIES.

- Dinner with my Aussie family. // Matthew, Sara, Joseph, (me), Jackson and Karin. //  Breaky in the sun. // Gifts from my big sister Lyka.

home nr. 7 x MELBOURNE.

- Here's the last place to call home in Melbourne, Australia.
Lykas apartment: food, view and the biggest livingroom ever. And of course Lyka in the right corner on the floor.
Will miss you hun...

last place to call home x DOCKLANDS.

- Here's the place I've been living at the last 1.5 week in Melbourne. My lovely friend and big sister Lyka, gym buddy and amazing strong woman and two guys, Eli & Trevor are sharing this great place.


- Two photos from a evening I'll never forget.
1. My ex manager and lovely friend Sunny's good bye dinner 2. me just before the dinner.


Chilla i en limousin med bubbel samt laga goda och nyttiga wraps en helt vanlig dag i Byron. Fan vad ajg saknar denna lilla staden. Jag vill såååå gärna åka dit, fånga några vågor, hänga på min kompis café/cocktailbar och lyssnar på live music varje kväll.d
Jag lovar dig Byron Bay, jag kommer hälsa på dig igen!

Igår jobbade jag dubbelt. Först på den NY inspirerade café/bar/restaurangen i Richmond och sedan i Fitzroy på min kära Rum bar men Will.
Nu bär det av på möte med Göteborgaren Benjamin. Vi ska prata framtidsplaner för mig och se vad som kan göras... Därefter blir det coffee training på The Rum Diary som jag får betalt för. Helt okej. En asiatisk lunch på det låter inte helt fel med.


Ph: good bye dinner for med with the girls and Ben before i left Melbourne.
(Tidsinställt inlägg p.g.a resor.)


Ph: food in Melbs CBD.
(Tidsinställt inlägg p.g.a resor.)


Ph: some good food with mum when she visited me in Melbourne.
(Tidsinställt inlägg p.g.a resor.)


Ph: asian lunch with Dani.
Söndag 16:42
- Nu har jag städat undan och ringt två vänner medan Ben är ute och handlar det sista för ikväll.
Det blir hejdå-taco-middag här med vin som pricken över I:et.
Igår sa jag hejdå till mina fina vänner Sofia och Zeenat då jag inte skulle få se de för ens nästa gång vi alla är i Sverige eller en annan plats tillsammans. De åker nämligen tillbaka till Sverige under en av de två månaderna jag kommer resa på east coast. Vilket betyder att de kommer saknas i Melbs när jag kommer tillbaka.
Men idag får vi hänga en allra sista gång, igen! Yey!!

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