Had a 45 min circuit workout, 45 min power walk outside in the windy and cold weather and a delicious lunch with family. Now it's time for The Mindy Project with mum and a big cup of yogi chai tea.
Happy saturday everyone.

chocolate, fruits and giggling. - BYDGOSZCZ, PL.

- Day two in Bydg. I met up with some of my family. We took a long cold walk, had chocolate fountain and coffee in the city.


Starting the day with three photos from last month, ish. The last photo is on of the studio where I have my yoga classes in.
Today is a pretty busy day. Working until 2pm, taking the bus back to the city and home to my lovely friend Petra for some sweets, tea and chats and in the evening gym and yoga class. Gotta stay away from home when the building men are making noise while changing doors..
Have a lovely day folks!


- Monday is my lazy sunday. I'm have move night with mum, been baking and having a good veg lunch. It's soon time for a coffee and then get ready for a workout. But that's all. Then I'll check out from the cyber world and have some me-time with a book and tea.
Autumn life to 100%


PH 1: My cock-mate and me getting ready for work. 2: Norre Katts Park. 3: Cozy days with tea. 4: Norre katts Park. 5: Indian cooking night with M & S at my place. 6: Waiting on the bus. 7: Natural b&w. 8: Free roses for the family.
- Oh hello there. It's crazy that it's dark outside even before 4:30pm here in south Sweden. How sad... Keeping myself alive with coffee. Feels like it's around 10pm, at least. But no. Not even evening... Holy... Can't wait until I'll see sun and the heat again.
Now: a espresso and then jump on the bus to work.
Happy Halloween everyone!


PH 1: Acupressure mat. 2: Rasta. 3: The beauty of Holm 4: Sushi with Karin. 5: À la artsy rasta. 6: Finger. 7: Sad face for having a photo and not being able to be anonymous anymore..
- Hello folks. I had such a good start this morning. After our cozy weekly veg-dinner with Petra, I was sitting up til late doing research about my upcoming adventure. This morning I woke up, had a half apple and a cup of black coffee and went straight to the gym for a intense 30min circuit.
Finished with a short power walk home, had a long and hot shower, brekky and a Skype meeting.
Today I'm just going to relax at home with family before work tonight.

UPDATE - cph & local interview.

- Hello everyone. Had a great week in Bydgoszcz with alot ot good coffee, food, friends, family, walks in the gardens, café crawn and reading. After Poland I was only home for a day before I headed of to Copenhagen, Denmark for two day. Catching up with travel friends from 2011-2014, drinking good coffee, exploring the city and sooo much walking.
This morning I went for a interview with one of the local newspapers in Halmstad for spread more yoga to the society and share a bit about my past but mostly upcoming adventures.


PH: a gift from a lovely yogi friend. / Group photo from Copenhagen with the Zumba crew. / Go green, reuse tea-bag-foot-spa. / Me and my brother on the Swedish cinnamon-bun-day. / Relaxed at the spa at work one cold day.
- Hey loved ones. I'm still in Poland enjoying good coffee, tea, yummy food, international friends, family ect. One last day here before flying back to Sweden tomorrow.

UPDATE FROM POLAND - it's going to be a long and fun day.

PH: from when I was working in a café in my hometown this summer & some other photos from home.
- Good morning world. I'm in Bydgoszcz, Poland at the moment seeing my family. Me and mum arrived last night and will have 5 lovely days away from Sweden.
Today I'm going to the dentist cause it's much cheaper than in Sweden. After that we'll have a delicious sushi lunch before checking out Focus, the huge shopping center I've been telling you guys about before.
In the aftermoon I'll catch up with my lovely norwegian friend Alen who's studying here. I will also hang out with my gypsy traveler cousing Sebastian before heading to Kundalini yoga in the evening.
Fells like it's going to be a goooood day.
Stay safe folks!


- Here two photos from this summer. Getting a hair detox in my hometown in Poland and a photo of me sleeping on the train to the airport. Haha...
So it's time to go to Poland again. See some family and friends, try a new yoga studio, eat good food and walk around in beautiful gardens. It will be short and intense.


- Yoga, working out, being a part of ACTIC, healthy food ect. That's how my weekend will be.
About the bicep photo above: • After the accident I couldn't do anything with my right arm. I lost my muscles totally and just to be able to hold a bottle of water was a challenge the first couple of weeks. This is my right arm after 8 weeks of working out at the gym & yoga. I'm back on track! Nothing is impossible. Namáste. •

- It's thursday today and that means I'm having my second yoga class tonight. Mum is coming with me to try out my yoga at the other studio (I have yoga at two places). It's going to be so nice to not come all sweaty to the class and teaching as I usually do after my Zumba with Petra. But no Zumba for me today. Only relaxing and a bit of gym.

wood yogi.

- A few photos from a afternoon in the woods with mum.
Sitting on my yoga mat and listening to a swedish travel podcast. Getting my mind ready for upcoming traveling/moving. But where, why, when and how? I'll let you know in a short future....


- Hi folks. I found some Instagram photos from when I just got back home from my traveling. All from a family photo with mum and my brother, pills to help me getting used to the cold climate, the beach I spent most time in my hometown, a espresso pic from when I played around with coffee at my first job in Sweden this year and two selfies of cause!
Soon it's time for my evening yoga class and I hoping to have better balance and getting heaps of warm and lovely energy from all my yogis.
Soon it's time for my evening yoga class and I hoping to have better balance and getting heaps of warm and lovely energy from all my yogis.


- Oh nature. Can't believe that I was walking around in the same forest over 10 years ago looking for mushrooms with mom and here I am and doing it again after so many years. Weird feeling but in the same time beautiful...


Adho Mukha Savasana, Downward-facing dog or manye something else in your own language. You've hear it before and you've done the pose so many times in yoga (if you do yoga). But how many does actually know how many amazing benefits this single pose has?
Of cause you gotta do the pose in the right way not to hur yourself. But if you do do it right here's some of the great benefits you'll get from it:
- Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
- Energizes the body
- Stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
- Strengthens the arms and legs
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
- Relieves menstrual discomfort when done with head supported
- Helps prevent osteoporosis
- Improves digestion
- Relieves headache, insomnia, back pain, and fatigue
- Therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, flat feet, sciatica, sinusitis
So..? time to do some Adho mukha savasana. That's what I'm doing in my classes tonight!


Now I'm longing for more yoga. To travel, to explore and have new adventure everyday as my nomad traveler life a few months ago.
We'll see what will happen in a near future... Keep your eyes and ears open.

D A Y O F F .

- It's my day off from everything. And then I mean all my 4 different jobs, from meeting, from the traffic school, from all the "must's". So today I stayed in the bed a bit longer, sitting now with the biggest cup of green tea and listening to some good tunes with mum as my warm company.
It will be a day of working out, trying new workouts, heaps of tea and a coffee or two, reading, soft music, maybe some yoga and catching up with a friend or watshing movies. This is real luxury for me right now!
Sending you all warm hugs and peace this monday. Hope you'll have a good start on this brand new week.


If some of you who read my blog will be in Halmstad tomorrow or the day after (wednesday & thursday) I will be doing my new Hatha yoga class. This time more new fun things focusing on much more than just the breath, inner vibrations, natural heat and being in the present.
So if you're around, you're more than welcome to join for 1h of yoga at ACTIC Flygstaden on wednesday 7pm and ACTIC Simhallsbadet (City) at thursday evening, 6pm.
This week it's all free at ACTIC. So try it out. Otherwise you can just let me know if you're interested in my yoga classes.
This week it's all free at ACTIC. So try it out. Otherwise you can just let me know if you're interested in my yoga classes.

s p e e d o f l i f e .

- Dance, work, yoga, workshops, training, cooking, sleeping, making afro/salsa/cumbia/reggaeton/merengue playlist to work, meetings, weekend education trips with work, Copenhagen, Lund, inspiration, drive lessons, friends, Power walks, deep conversations ect ect...
Life is moving fast these days. And I don't even have time to relax.
Life is moving fast these days. And I don't even have time to relax.