M e d i t a t i o n & s l e e p - healthy habit.

- Good morning people! Hope you're all feeling well.
This morning I woke up and realised that I've been sleeping 8.5h last night. It's making me very happy now because the last 1.5 week, even if I go to sleep later to sleep longer, I still wake up before my alarm and what leads to not enough with sleep.
But before bed last night, I did 40min of meditation which I haven't done for almost a month and look what happened. The body got more relaxed and were letting me sleep 1.5h more than usually.
I did the same thing every morning and evening when I studied in Indonesia and because that was a everyday-habit I didn't realize what it actually did to me.
And now, from having a break from that and then do it again, I really feel the difference and I'm so thankful for that.
Also, as a yogi, (if you're totally in to in and live the yogi lifestyle, which isn't common in western coutries, ecpassely Scandinavia) you practise all kinds of meditations and find your way to release and relax. One main thing is Yoga Nidra. I will tell you more about it another day but what I am saying right now is that, like Yoga Nidra "yogi sleep", the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness, makes you get sleep while being awake.
And for yogis who practice Yoga Nidra or other meditations, we don't need as much sleep (7-9h) as most active people need. Depending on how much meditation, some yogis sleep less than 5h. But in that case, you gotta be serious with the yogi lifestyle and meditation. I don't recomend that to someone just trying ones just to be able to say that you did "Yogi sleep".
If you guys have any questions, just let me know.
You can comment below or like some other like to do, just send me an e-mail on [email protected]
If you're around south west Sweden or Copenhagen and want to talk more about yoga and everything around it. Just let me know!


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