G r e e n T e a - the magical beverage.

- Every morning, the first thing I do when I wake up is making myself a big cup (exact this on on the photos) of green tea. This is the best way to start the day. But don't take me wrong, I still am the biggest coffee lover / nerd.
I would like to share some good information and advices about why green tea is such a magical beverage.

- Green tea may decrease the absorption of iron and folic acid. Therefore it is best to be drink tea between meals rather than using it as your mealtime beverage. (I drink tea 30min before breakfast usually).
- It is improving cholesterol levels, preventing low blood pressure, reducing the risk or preventing the onset of Parkinson’s disease, and preventing cancers of the bladder, prostate, pancreatic, breast, colorectal, esophageal, lung, and stomach..
- Killing bacteria that cause tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease-the number one cause for tooth loss.
- Weight Loss. Specifically green tea, create thermogenesis-the production of heat within the body which is related to burning calories.
- A study demonstrates that people who drink at least one cup of tea daily have a 44 percent lower risk of heart attack.
But please, be also aware that:
- tea bags contain the same beneficial properties as loose leaf tea.
- For full health benefits, brew tea for at least 3 minutes.


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