kesella choco cake.

- I've never been baking with kesella before and had some in the fridge so I though I'll try a new recepie.
Personally I think it might need a bit more sweetening.

     1.5 cups Kesella
     1 cup milk
     1 egg
     1.5 cups oatmeal (rolled oats mixed into flour)
     1 tsp baking powder
     0.5-1 cup cocoa powder
     1 cup sweetening (ex. mash down a banana, stevia, honey or agave) -I used honey.
     Optional: 0.5 cups of coconut flakes, a few tablespoons of peanut butter, vanilla powder, chopped nuts


1 Mix all the dry ingredients in a separate bowl.

2 Stir in the wet ingredients.

3 Grease / oil a form and either Sprinkle with breadcrumbs or coconut flakes. Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake in middle of oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes (I had my inside in 17 minutes)

4 Allow to cool a little before cutting into pieces of this recipe, I got 6x large thick pieces.
Serve with berries.


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