l i t t l e b r o t h e r s s c h o o l ' s o u t .

- Last weeks photos from my little brother Kristoffers school's out. Loving this little boy sooo much it hurts.

s u n s e t , d e s s e r t & h o t t u b - my manager's surprise #4.

Photos: two last ones are from beautiful Linneas FB.
- One of the most beautiful sunsets I ever seen, dessert with taste like heaven, good company and a evening in our hot tub at work.
I give this day 10 points.
Thanks to everyone and love to Peter.


***** a m a z i n g d i n n e r - my manager's surprise #3.

- Part nr 3 from my manager's surprise for all the staff at my job is up.
Over 5 dishes with amazing food at the fancy restaurant SALT in Tylösand by the ocean. How perfect isn't this?
Did we get full from this? Oh, you can't even imagine. Biggest food coma for sure!
Can't thank you enough Peter for this.
And love to the Söderpiren-crew.

a d a y o n t h e O c e a n - my manager's surprise #2.

- And here my loved ones, is the second part of a day on the ocean with my co-workers from Söderpiren. A great surprise from our manager Peter. Just a ordinary tuesday...  ;)

a d a y o n t h e O c e a n - my manager's surprise #1.

- Last week me and my co-workers got a amazing surprise from our manager Peter.
After our staff meeting he took us to the harbour and this is what was waiting for us! How amazing isn't it? We were all so stoked to take a ride.
More photos are coming up...!

14 000 ft s k y d i v e - MEMORIES.

- Found there photos from when I and my lovely friend Daniella went sky diving from 14 000 ft outside of the hippie town Byron Bay on the east side of Australia.
I though that I was going to die literally and prepare myself mentally. But while being in the air and after all that, I have to admit that it was one of the best things I ever done in my life and I miss the feeling so much right now.

t h e F a m i l y p h o t o .

- Good moring world. What a good night sleep I had. I feel well rested.
It's soon time to jump up on my bicycle and ride 3km down to my job at the beach café. But the weather isn't too good so it won't be busy today, I guess.
Starting up the day with these two family photos from my dad's side. His gf, my little 5.5 years old half brother, my 18 years old half brother that just graduated, dad, me & my four years old step sister. This was at my brothers placce in Henån, a small place north of Gothenburg.
Hope to see some of you soon again.

s t u d e n t s k i v a - K o n r a d .

- More photos from one of my brother's graduation.
Family from his mom's and my dad's side.
All the best to you Konrad!

s l e e p y b a b y / h a p p y m i n d .

- With these two photos from when I met one of my half brothers for the first time, I say Good Morning world!
Couldn't sleep last night because I was too happy. Happy to have so many fun things to look forward. To have so many beautiful friends and plans.
From birthday plans, my upcoming yoga workshops and ect... Good times!

K o n r a d s S t u d e n t .

- Went to Uddevalla a few days ago to be at my brother's graduation from high school / secondary school and to meet up with family from dad's side.
Haven't seen my brother (who graduated) for almost 3 years, and damn he's tall now!
Congratulation Konrad! Good luck with the rest and enjoy Greece.

J u l i u s z & m e .

- Yesterday I went to Uddevalla for the first time to see one of my brothers graduate.
But first, when I got picked up by dad, his gf and a little boy, I met my 5.5 year old half brother for the first time ever! Juliusz and me ended up playing with my camera during the long car ride from Henån to Gothenburg. Making funny faces all the time while there was a crazy rain storm outside.


- Morning folks! Hope you're all well.
Here's the photos from the muay thai "Champions Fight Night" that I went to last weekend. Took my brother there and saw some great fighters from Sweden & Portugal. Also tog to see some old friends fight and others from the audience. A fine night! :)
Crazy fight between my friend Samuel and a guy from Portugal, & another one got a knock out!

L a F a m i l i a .

- The first family photos for years and one of my mum's first meals after arriving back in Sweden. This is love!
Family & food. Pretty lucky, huh?

t i l l s a m m a n s .

- Hey all, here's a couple of photos from one friday night when me and lovely Sara was hanging out at Tillsammans in the city. Talking my throat sore like always.
By the way, international friends, this is kind of swedish summer. I'm sitting with black jeans and leather jacket and for me it was freezing! But a lot of swedes where wearing shorts, t-shirts & ect... Can't get used to having Melbourne winter as swedish summer...

e g g t i m e .

- I few days when I was hanging out with my little brother when mum was away I decided to teach him something new. So I taught him how to boil eggs the way he likes them. And without helping he nailed it straight away. Proud sister!
The morning after my brother was running straight to the kitchen to boil himself some eggs for breakfast.

o n l y f o r r o c k s t a r s .

- After-work chill night with this rockstar. It's crazy how much been happening since I left Sweden. But it's great to see some friends again. And this girl is amazing. Woman power!

S a r a x o r a n g e p o w e r .

- Been hanging out with this lovely girl. She's been blonde since kindergarden and after not seeing her for almost two years, when I'm back home this is what's popping up. How amazing isn't her hair? I'm totally in love with it.
Wish I would be able to rock a colour like that.

afternoon in g o t h e n b u r g .

- A couple of photos from when I went to beautiful Gothenburg to catch up with som old friends and working mates.

coffees in gothenburg x my first travel friend.

- Coffees and teas in the sun in lovely Gothenburg with friends. Best city in Sweden, great coffee and sweet friends.
This city never let's me down.
It was almost 10 years ago I went to Thailand for the first time with mum. One day we decided to go on a boat trip to the James Bond Island and there we met this other woman with her doughter from Gothenburg. Me and the girl changed e-mail adresses and today we're still in touch and see each other as soon as we're in the came country or city. It's amazing how long travel friends last for even if you don't see them every week.

first night x TILLSAMMANS.

- Same place. Different night. These photos are from my first night out in Halmstad since I got back to Sweden and for me it did only last until 11pm. After that I was so tired, sleepy and cold. Don't know how I'll survive if ever the swedish "summer nights" are too cold for me.
But it was great catching up with old friends and hang out.

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