when i got robbed x CANGGU, BALI, INDO.

- It was exactly 3 weeks ago a nightmare got real.
I was on my way, riding my bicycle to a restaurant to meet up with my yoga class mates during the evening around 9pm. On my shoulder I had my yoga bag with my Canon camera, bank card and cash. The next second a indonesian guy comes behind me on a scooter and pulls me off my bike down one the ground at rips the bag from me and leave me on the empty street with blood & scratches all over my body.
I was screaming after help but no one was to be seen. So I took my bike and tried to walk up to the main street and tried one more time to scream after help. 2-3 older local guys were watching me but ignored me when I tried to get help.
My first thought was that they knew the guy or just didn't wanna be in that situation. I continued to scream cause my whole body was hurting and finally an australian guy heard me from a bar and was running up to me to help. He took me to the bar where a local woman putted tea tree oil on all my scars and heaps of people where trying to talk to me and ask me questions.
I was in such a shock and after a while I was able to tell the australian guy where my friends were and he went of to the place and got them.
Today I'd like to say that from such a crazy moment to another. I haven't got so much love and support every as when all my class mates, teachers and random people helped me, donated money to me so I was able to buy food.
The day after, one of my yoga teachers took me to the hospital where I got a X-ray done.
Luckily nothing was broken, but I got a soft tissue injury / muscle injury. Just a couple of days ago was the first time I could sleep without waking up 2-3 times every night of pain.
My mental trauma is still bad but step by step I'll hopefully be back to normal again.
Thank you so much, again, for all the love and support you all gave me. Don't know what I would do without you.
And a big thank you to my little extra Aussie famliy for treating me like your doughter. I'm so blessed I had you guys around me for this whole time.
