THE LIST - after a long day.

- So it's back again.
This time it's 6 Things to do after any kind of long day.

I had a work out at the gym with mum and the straight to work after lunch and damn it was busy! Had to get in earlier because everyone wanted to hang out at Söderpiren on the beach and enjoy a swedish summerday.
But it was all good. Great team work and now I'm dead.
I was supposed to have a powerwalk with a friend but I'm not leaving the apartment today anymore.
So here's 6 THING TO DO: After a long day.
  • Make a cup of great calming tea.
  • Jump straight in to your cozy clothes or pyjamas.
  • Watch your favourite tv-show. (New Girl in my case).
  • Hang out with family. It's Mothers Day and my mum is getting a massage.
  • Go to bed earlier. YES PLEASE!
  • Get your nails done. What I usually do while watching my favourite show.


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