puppy island x KOH RONG, CAMBODIA. + update.

- Hello world. Where am I now you're wondering. Back in Bangkok!! Will spend two days here mostly cause I had to go to the hospital for the third time and also to visit the second biggest H&M in the world. Damn, I haven't been to H&M for over 1.5 year. Crazy...
Got myself two sport bras and a pair of big John Lennon sunglasses on a market.
Watermelon have been my drug of the day and I decided to play the nurse myself today and try to fix my foot from my accident. It's getting better so I THINK I can manage to take care of my foot by myself now.
By the way, the puppies are up on the blog again as you can see. Not the same ones from last time though. Looooovey lovely puppies I so wanted to kidnap in to my bag...


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