feelings & thoughts from south x UPDATE, KOH TAO, THAI.

- So here I am. Sitting at really nice place on the beach. Drinking ice coffe and listening to the oceans music and watching people getting tanned on the sand. Boats driving past and hanging out with some american and canadian boys. But still I feel, there's something missing. It feels in my heart and in my stomach. My soul is trying to tell me something. Maybe that I might be at the wrong place. Maybe I shouldn't be here right now?
After been to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world with really close friends, it's hard to enjoy other things. I mean, it's beautiful here too. But not even close to Koh rongs beaches or Whitsundays in Australia.
The people/locals have so much angry in their bodies, backpackers are living on alcohol and drugs and it's expensive to me south east Asia...
And worst of all, soooo turisty and the locals will do anything to scam you.
Bad energy is flowing around. I just got that wierd feeling...
But soon I'll be at the place I've been waiting for with the friends that are the closest to me from this trip.


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