bye island boys x KOH RONG, CAMBODIA. // update from CEBU.

PH: Lovely Hilary enjoying the sun before work. // Saying bye to the guys at Island Boys in Koh Rong before leaving the island i lived and worked at for 1.5 months.
- Hi, I'm alive. Enjoying the Philippines with Dinah. We've been hanging out in beautiful Palawan, having our own beach, eating street food, working out, and couch surfed. 
Yesterday we arrived in Cebu and went straight to my lovely american yoga friend Marcie. Me and Marcie had almost a whole week in cozy Hoi An in Vietnam a while ago. So happy to be here, visiting her, doing some yoga in the evening, salsa in the night and running in the morning. How good isnt that?
And soon we're going on some adventures outh in the nature for a few days.


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