after the hospital x KOH CHANG, THAILAND.

- The same day I left Koh Rong I stepped on a nail in the sand while running after my friend to say bye. After a few days it got infected and I had to go to the hospital three times. The first time was the worst.
She cut up the skin around the hole in my left foot, cleaned it and then she had to se if there was any dirt in the hole. Guess what she did?
Without ANY kinds of painkillers, she putted cold scissors tong inside the hole and then opened it up from inside! Holy...! That was the worst pain I've ever fellt.
When I left the hospital there was no way of me walking around and exploring the island by foot. So the first day I just had to relax and drink smoothies at my favourite cafe/restaurant with some god company from a german guy and this little girl (on the photo above).
She never wanted to talk or smile though... But I got a few good shoots of her at least!


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