T h e L i s t .

- Yesterday I played around with the coffee machine most of the day at work. While working 10.5h I was able to do alot with the coffee and the grinder. Now I'll be the master barista! Or maybe not yet. But wow, there's so much to learn...!
After a long day at work I wanted tp keep it as simple as possible after feeling a bit sick and very tired.
So here The List for keeping it simple after a tiering day, (what ever you've done.)
  • Make youreself a cup of tea, or 340981368 cups in my case.
  • Watch a few episodes of your fav tv show in your cozy clothes, (my case hippie / alibaba pants.)
  • Unfriend random people, people you don't talk to, people who added you but never wrote anything to you, ect from Facebook.
  • Don't go to the gym. Give yourself a rest day.
There you go. That's my list and exactly what I did after a long day at work.
Now it's time to work. Then killing it at the gym & yoga.


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