drama gypsy soul x TRAVEL UPDATE.

- I know I'm a bit slow with the update of my photos from my traveling, but I'm doing my best!
At the moment I'm in my hostel in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. This is the first place I've been to in this country and I can't wait to start traveling around here. But right now I'm kind of stuck in this messy, smelly city.
To apply for my indian visa is a bit tricky and takes it's time, but I'll just try to do all the boring paperwork here and now and then just wait for the answer.
I had a shit day yesterday with alot of disgusting and rude locals, drama, no help and no english from anyone, and today my two travel friends from NYC & Europe left. I wish I could do it to but I just need to get my shit done. Then I'm free again. I a few days or a week.
Today was better thougt, did all the paperwork for my visa, some reading, eating local street food, buying lots of mini bananas, writing with some lovely travel friends I miss, had dinner with two locals and delicious ice cream date with a new friend, a spanish tattoo artist.
Soon it's time for shower and finishing the book I'm reading, The Alchemist.


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