the fulltime week.

- Oh god, this week's been ruff. From having days where I work double shift (13h) to days where my head is just so empty and I'm lost. This is now a good "yogi-lifestyle". But I've been doing more self practice with the yoga to get ready for my classes and there've been crazy things happening at work. It's been a emotional week...
But yesterday I got myself a day I really need. Yoga with beautiful people, good and intense workouts, good food, relaxing, having a hot and long shower, two power naps, no-coffee-day and going to bed early.
I've been a bit mental. From having moments when all I wanted was to just lay down i Savasana (an resting pose in yoga) to by a one-way ticket to London and hope for a miracle.
Next week I will be focusing on balance. Not enough of that this week..


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