i'm a traveler x 3 DAYS LEFT IN AU.

- Okay, so I'm leaving the country in three days. How crazy isn't that?
I've been living in Australia for over a year with Melbourne as my hometown and now I have to leave.I don't know when I'll be back. Maybe in a year or five. But one thing is sure, I'm not done with this place. This is the first time I really felt like home.

Not even Halmstad, (in Sweden where I was born) been feeling like a home. I've always wanted to leave that place for something real, something better. I i found it! On the other side of the earth.
But I haven't seen enough of the world, so now it' time for me to start traveling again and explore.
Don't know for how long, just need to do it.
I'm afraid, happy, sad, exited and all those other feelings you get from new stuff.
I'm a traveler, my parents ar travelers, my grandman & grandpa, my whole family are travelers and so am I.
Time to go with the flow!


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