MELBOURNE MEMORIES x study update.

1# opening night for my friends new rum bar "Los Barbudos". 2# Lamp. 3# Art. 4# Art. 5-6# Restaurant lunch with friends. 7-8# Demostration. 9# Outdoor art in Abbotsford. 10# Rebels. 11# Some friends dancing on Swanston St. 12# Louie enjoying cinnamon buns at IKEA.
- Had a sweaty cuban salsa night with friends last night and today I'll spend all day studying ad CRATE CAFE and trying to finnish my huge assignment with help from some good breakfast & coffee.

breakfast, school & 32 degrees x CANGGU, BALI, INDO.

- Good morning world. I finaly got a sleep in before school. Slept until 07:00am, and over 8h! I feel so good.
Had a really good asana class for 2h in the morning and I'm now sitting and enjoying a delicious breakfast with Mel. It's soon time to go back to class and start on our assignments! Getting nervous....!
Canggu is treating us good with sun an 32c degrees. Tomorrow is our day off from school. Wohoow!

this is my life in indo x CANGGU, BALI, INDONESIA.

- School from 05:30am until 6:45pm with three breaks in between. Bloody long days, huh?
Intensive classes, lovely friends and tropical weather. Fancy, amazing breakfast and local street food for lunch and dinner.
Peacefull and clean home, private pool and beach walks every day.
Peacefull and clean home, private pool and beach walks every day.
I like my life.

quick update x CANGGU, BALI, INDONESIA.

- Hi everyone. I'm trying my best to update my blog but the wifi everywhere is so slow.
Heres a quick update from what has happen the last 1.5 week:
x I left the Philippines and my friends and went for a short trip to Singapore.
x I moved to the cozy surf spot Canggu in Bali and started my education, to become a yoga teacher.
x I live in the most clean and beautiful place with some of my yogi classmates.
x I got robed a few nights ago and lost my camera (with heaps of photos from last week in Philippines, Singapore and the first amazing night in Canggu), bank card and cash.
x I got 13 scratches and bruises, soft tissue injury and neck & lower back problems after the robbery accident.
x Spent my first day off from school at the hospital with one of my yoga teachers.
x Got so much love from my class mates, friends and teaches, ended up crying several times from all the support and love.
x Been waking up between 05:20am-07:00am every morning.
I'll tell you more about some of these thing later.


- Hey folks! I'm back on track after some crazy days of traveling from Vietnam back to Laos, but this time to the hot part of the country. The south! Finally some days with over 27 degrees and a bit on tan.
I've been stuck in a village for a night with my travel buddy and locals. Not a singel english speaking in the whole town. It was even a struggle to get some food and the worst part was how we were supposed to get out of there. But finally in the end we found a local bus with no doors and trashy seats.
I've been stuck in a village for a night with my travel buddy and locals. Not a singel english speaking in the whole town. It was even a struggle to get some food and the worst part was how we were supposed to get out of there. But finally in the end we found a local bus with no doors and trashy seats.

back to paradise x GILI AIR, INDONESIA.

- I missed Gili Air after a crazy trekking and went back for a while to hang out with my favourite locals, sleep on the beach, eat mangoes and relax in paradise.

last trekk x RINJANI, LOMBOK.

- And here my friends, here's the last photos from my crazy trekking. Rinjani, you're beautiful, but gosh soooo hard to handle.
And how did I feel after the trekking? Four days of sore muscles...

volcano trekking x RINJANI, LOMBOK.

- "Mount Rinjani or Gunung Rinjani is an active volcano in Indonesia on the island of Lombok. It rises to 3,726 metres (12,224 ft), making it the second highest volcano in south east Asia."
mountain climbing the second biggest x RINJANI, LOMBOK.

- Rinjani mountain. The hardest thing I've done in my life.

trekking mountail / volcano x RINJANI, LOMBOK.

- Merry Christmas everyone! Here's some more photos from the Rinjani moutain at Lombok Island in Indonesia.
I'm in Luang Prabang, north Laos at the moment. My christmas started with having breakfast, listening to christmas songs and planning some trips. Then we took a open van to Kuang Si watefalls which is one of the most beautiful places in Laos. Had a beautiful day there and then back to our hostel for some relaxing. Tonight we're having a big dinner and then we'll take it from there.
Vang Vieng is waiting for us tomorrow.
Sending hugs and love to you all, and especially my family and friends.

trekking rinjani mountain / volcano x RINJANI, LOMBOK.

- Finally! Here's the first part from when me, Chris and two other friends were trekking up for the Rinjani moutain and the active volcano.
It's the second biggest mountain in south east Asia. The hardest thing I've done in my life. But I'm happy I've put myself throught something like that and experienced it. Now that's done and I don't need to do it again, for a while... haha. But I still want to try new crazy and extreme things.
More photos are coming soon...

ph by c. black x SENARU, LOMBOK.

- Photos by my brittish friend Chris Black from the waterfalls in Senaru, Lombok in Indonesia.

outback x SENARU, LOMBOK.

- Some photos from our rainforest trip the day before the big day... Trekking on mount Rinjani, the second biggest mountain in South East Asia.

caves & beauty in the nature x SENARU, LOMBOK.

- Second part from the rainforest trip in Senaru, Lombok in Indonesia.

rainforest and waterfalls x SENARU, LOMBOK.

- Here's some great photos from a day trip to the waterfall in Senaru on the island Lombok in Indonesia.

sunrise, nature and locals x GILI AIR, INDONESIA.

- The paradise island Gili Air. A place I'll never forget. The kids, sunrise every morning with mango to breakfast. Perfect!


- Sugarman, won't ya hurry coz I'm tired of these scenes. For a blue coin won't ya bring back all those colours to my dreams. Silver majik ships, you carry jumpers, coke, sweet MaryJane. Sugarman, met a false friend on a lonely, dusty road, lost my heart.
When I found it, it had turned to dead, black coal. Silver majik ships, you carry jumpers, coke, sweet MaryJane.
When I found it, it had turned to dead, black coal. Silver majik ships, you carry jumpers, coke, sweet MaryJane.
Sugarman, You're the answer that makes my questions disappear.
Sugarman, coz I'm weary of these double games I hear, Sugarman.
Sugarman, coz I'm weary of these double games I hear, Sugarman.

welcome to the paradise x GILI AIR.

- Went to one of the Gili Islands east of Bali, Gili Air. Went to se Sammy, a friends friend who works as a yoga instructor and to just enjoy an island without cars and scooters.
A real paradise!

before paradise x SANUR, BALI.

- The last photos from Bali before I went to the paradise island Gili Air.

monkey forest x UBUD, BALI.

- The Monkey Forest in Ubud, Bali. Way too touristy for me.
Cute monkeys who loves to steal... everything.