tigerbekk getting ready for P o l a n d .

- Work, sun, coffee, chocolate, dance, working out, movie & packing. That's how my day looks like today.
Yep, I'm getting ready for my little trip to Poland in a few day.
Haven't been there for more than two years! Feels a bit weird but it will be so fun to see family and some friends again.

b a l c o n y l u n c h / t r i p t o p l a n.

- A cozy lunch on the balcony with my little brother from last week. I love eating outdoor and go as basic as possible.
He's coming home today by the way. And in a few days we'll do for a little trip to Poland to catch up with family and friends. Haven't been at my second home for over 2 years now, so it's going to be great to see everyone again.

T u r n i n g A d u l t .

- Happy Birthday to me!
I'm officially 21 summers old and have so much more to go. But it's crazy how fast time flies away!
My little brother is soon coming home to celebrate me and later today I'll get picked up by a old friend of mine and we're going to Rosenbergsfestivalen! A hippie / artsy festival with a lot of music and love.

l i t t l e b r o t h e r s s c h o o l ' s o u t .

- Last weeks photos from my little brother Kristoffers school's out. Loving this little boy sooo much it hurts.

Y O G A by D O N A T I O N - my first class TODAY.

- My first class in Sweden will be a YOGA by DONATION at Stationsparken in Halmstad.
Feel free to join at 3:30pm / 15:30.
I will pull together a Hatha Yoga class in the cozy park Stationsparken in central Halmstad once just for fun and want to see how many people in that cases would be interested.

It usually costs around 150 - if not more for a drop-in yoga class, But I thought about trying a Yoga by DONATION.
This is something I want to show Halmstad & Sweden. We don't have enough with donation opportunities here and after having received so much inspiration from Australia (and other countries I visited) where you can find it all by donation as accommodation, food, clothing, YOGA, event, music, you name it!
So now the idea is to do a yoga class for about 1 hour and allow you to donate as a thank you.
"Pay as you feel from the heart."
What goes around comes around... ;)
Peace & love,

G r e e n T e a - the magical beverage.

- Every morning, the first thing I do when I wake up is making myself a big cup (exact this on on the photos) of green tea. This is the best way to start the day. But don't take me wrong, I still am the biggest coffee lover / nerd.
I would like to share some good information and advices about why green tea is such a magical beverage.

- Green tea may decrease the absorption of iron and folic acid. Therefore it is best to be drink tea between meals rather than using it as your mealtime beverage. (I drink tea 30min before breakfast usually).
- It is improving cholesterol levels, preventing low blood pressure, reducing the risk or preventing the onset of Parkinson’s disease, and preventing cancers of the bladder, prostate, pancreatic, breast, colorectal, esophageal, lung, and stomach..
- Killing bacteria that cause tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease-the number one cause for tooth loss.
- Weight Loss. Specifically green tea, create thermogenesis-the production of heat within the body which is related to burning calories.
- A study demonstrates that people who drink at least one cup of tea daily have a 44 percent lower risk of heart attack.
But please, be also aware that:
- tea bags contain the same beneficial properties as loose leaf tea.
- For full health benefits, brew tea for at least 3 minutes.

14 000 ft s k y d i v e - MEMORIES.

- Found there photos from when I and my lovely friend Daniella went sky diving from 14 000 ft outside of the hippie town Byron Bay on the east side of Australia.
I though that I was going to die literally and prepare myself mentally. But while being in the air and after all that, I have to admit that it was one of the best things I ever done in my life and I miss the feeling so much right now.

i ' m f r o m t h e w e s t .

- Yoga, big brekky, work, fighting with the wind, catching up with a old friend, home, eat and relax.
I've been feeling a bit weird today and just had to rest as much as I could...
But I feel that I will have more energy tomorrow, hopefully!
Been posting heaps of photos on Facebook from my traveling on the east coast in Australia. Took me a while..!

c ozy c hill n ight .

- After having a amazing workout, a long shower, delicious and healthy dinner, I'm now having some mint tea and watching The Mindy Project, my new favourite tv show.
As soon as it gets darker I'll try to go to sleep. I feel that I really need to sleep, but it won't happen with this swedish light summer night light.

b a c k h o m f r o m W o r k .

- And I'm back home. Had a crazy gym session with my PT Christopher, a quick lunch at home and then up on the bike straight to work.
Manage to drink only one cup of coffee today!
A few days ago I was cleaning the whole coffee grinder on a rainy day at work. Been going through every single part of the machine, wouldn't surprise me if I would be able to build a grinder myself, haha..

J u l i u s z & m e .

- Yesterday I went to Uddevalla for the first time to see one of my brothers graduate.
But first, when I got picked up by dad, his gf and a little boy, I met my 5.5 year old half brother for the first time ever! Juliusz and me ended up playing with my camera during the long car ride from Henån to Gothenburg. Making funny faces all the time while there was a crazy rain storm outside.

t i l l s a m m a n s .

- Hey all, here's a couple of photos from one friday night when me and lovely Sara was hanging out at Tillsammans in the city. Talking my throat sore like always.
By the way, international friends, this is kind of swedish summer. I'm sitting with black jeans and leather jacket and for me it was freezing! But a lot of swedes where wearing shorts, t-shirts & ect... Can't get used to having Melbourne winter as swedish summer...

friday evening, giving h-town a chance.

- Went out for the first time in Halmstad for over 19 months and met some old friends from high school / secondary school which was great. I also realised that I have grown out of some friendships. We all grow up in different ways and some and just not matching anymore or other don't really grow up and are at the same stage of life.

coffee on the balcony.

- What a great start on this windy day. Woke up shortly after 07am, had a cup of green tea, went to the gym for one hour, home, coffee, shower, soon lunch and then one more coffee at work before jumping back to the coffee machine and serve some coffees.
Tonight I'll meet up with my rockstar to friend for some chats.

a walk on the green side.

- Here's a few photos from a week ago while taking a beautiful walk in the forest and on my way to a meeting. It was so green and beautiful!
A couple of hours later I got the job. Pretty good day.
And I gotta talk more of these beautiful and peaceful walks before work.

let's go to little london x GOTHENBURG OVER THE WEEKEND.

Photo by Alex, me playing with the puppies and the baby while I was living on the little island Koh Rong in Cambodia.
- Okay Beck relax... Nope, I've been in Halmstad (my hometown) in over a week and I feel that it's now time to do a little location change over the weekend av go for a small trip to Gothenburg, or as some people call it, "Little London". Going to catch up with old friends I haven't seen for ages and just enjoy the big city.
Will be back tomorrow!

off to the G Y M .

- Time to do something good for my body. The coffee is kickin' in!
1 hour cardio & abs!

my first minutes i SWEDEN after 19 months.

- So this is me getting excited (a bit too excited) to be back in Sweden and the green west coast. On the train up to Halmstad where I surprised my beautiful yogi mum and brother.

i w o r k o u t .

- Hey happy folks! The sun is shining, I woke up at 07:00am had a good brekky, went for Indinan lunch buffé with my brother and sister from Helsingborg (a city 1h south), and had a powerwalk down to the coast.
Met some hospitality friends I haven't seen for a long time, enjoyed the sun and a black coffee, had a interview and soon it's time to go to the city with mum for a little while. Later on... WORKOUT! God, I love it so much.
Can't waith to get my sweat on!

y o g a p l a n s .

Ph: Me doing Adho Mukha Svanasana / downward dog at my yoga school in Bali.
- I'm sitting here at home drinking green tea, listening to music and just been playing around with some yoga postures with mum (who's also a yoga nerd).
Planning some fun thing with yoga so all you in south west Sweden or more specific, Halmstad. Keep your eyes and ears open on Facebook cause I might suggest something fun.

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