bad day in the rain.

- Oh, the weather is killing me, and so is my bike too... Har a really bad day yesterday..
Started good though. My yogi friend S came over for some banana cake, tea and chat in the morning. But when I was supposed to ride my bike 7lkm to work in pouring rain with the wind against me, my bike broke down and not a single soul who was driving past me stopped to help me!!! What's wrong with people here?

When something like that happened in Australia I didn't even need to look up for someone to help me. There was Always somebody coming and helping. And that's how it's supposed to be. Come one Sweden (or maybe it's just Halmstad?). Show some solicitude. Do you know we're all from the same planet and we should all help eachother and not only our Close friends and family...

Any way... On my way back home I realized that my wheel was flat. And more wind and rain, of cause...
Finally when I got back home I had a few minutes to refrec myself and get some cozy atmosphare in the apartment befor Sara & Mia came over for cooking night.
The dinner went well, much better than the bike ride! A vegeterian Masala with chickpeas and Indian Spices was our mission and it was so yummy!
That's all for me right now.
I was so over it all after the bad bike rides and didn't have any mental of fysycal energy so I ended up sleeping for 9.5h last night!


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